Maps Jigsaw Puzzles

These Maps Jigsaw Puzzles bring you snippets of world maps for you to assemble. Their challenging feature lies precisely in the details. By focusing solely on a portion of a world map, be it a continent or a specific country, you have the chance to take notice of the geography of said place. You can find rivers, mountains, roads, borders, and many villages and cities that are not big enough or have enough political or economical importance to feature in the big maps. Travel the world under a different lens and have fun discovering new places while assembling these jigsaw puzzles.

Browse through our catalog of Maps Jigsaw Puzzles until you find one or more that sparks your interest. Once you pick a puzzle, all you have to do is click on it and you are ready to start having fun. If its default number of pieces seems too easy or too hard, you can change it in the “Difficulty” dropdown menu, on the top right corner of the puzzle board. Here you can pick another default number or enter the customized size you wish to challenge. Its difficulty can also be adjusted using the options on the bottom of the puzzle board, by selecting how you want the pieces to be arranged and if you wish to see the final picture to guide you.